Friday, June 29, 2007

Spreading “Self Worth”

If there was only one thing that humanity needs to think about ! ?. I would readily choose “Self Worth”. It is perhaps an earthy but clearer reflection of the Human spirit . The concept of the human spirit to all of us who remain preoccupied with our daily lives, mostly seems abstract and something unattainable or something which requires to take time off to introspect about and some thing that can be achieved only by extra ordinary effort .

“Self Worth “ is perhaps the key to shaping our lives. It is the value we daily give ourselves at home or at work , the way we deal with ourselves or our family, friends, colleagues subordinates and superiors . It also helps put things in perspective when we deal with our dreams and desires by telling us that the former has to be daily balanced by our drive and determination.

The measure of the worth of our self or even thinking about it would teach us to first “Believe”, “ Belong’ and finally “Be”. Then only you and I can look into our own eyes, our children’s and the rest of humanity. It would teach us forbearance and the need for understanding instead of jumping to judgements about others and even of situations therein. We would realise that we too are imperfect. Others too can be. We too desire. So why grudge others theirs !. There is enough to go around . We need to become daily aware that we only have to compete every day with ourselves, our selfishness, thereby our insecurities and hence our vulnerabilities. We should learn to listen to our inner voice which each day tells us the correct thing to do. This is a special gift of human awareness that is absolutely free of cost and ready for the asking.

Most of are conditioned to believe that it is easier to write about “Self Worth” than practice thinking about it. Our daily grind does not give us the luxury of pondering about it, between our careers and aspirations, managing the family, raising our children . We seem to be on a fast train to nowhere and trying to reach it yesterday. Albert Einstein after discovering the theory of relativity is believed to have said “I hope technology does not rob people of Humanity”. .Self worth would indeed teach us to control the pace of our life and think about the space which we all occupy in this World – Our very own inner, private and public space. The first one is our sanctum sanctorum-nobody can ever access this. At times even we ourselves do not know how to get into this. Private space is where we allow our family to coexist with us. One or two others may be allowed to get into this. Public space is our daily “Arena “ of coexistence with Society- the way we deal with the day at work, at home , a host of others and situations . Managing this well is directly dependant on our balanced management of the inner and private space .

Where does all this lead up to ?. the first and foremost essentiality that we control the velocity of our life, slowing down and speeding up so that there is balance in whatever we do . if we treasure ourselves, only then we would cherish whatever we have and try to self develop in perspective with our every days with all our wants, needs, desires and also prepare to meet the challenges, opportunities, obstacles as well the fleeting moments of both happiness and sadness, all as part of the laws of life.

. Children too need to be given an orientation on Self worth along with their schooling. It is important to teach them success. It is more important to teach them how to get there with a sense of self confidence and self comfort. It is most important to teach them about the hollowness of a victory that has been achieved on false pretences. In the ultimate no one else may know but in each one of us there is that inner truth which none of us can never deny and one that we carry with us till our last breath. Academic brilliance is always a perceived must but it only gives us knowledge. What we require is “Education” in its larger and fuller sense to celebrate the joy and challenges of life and give meaning to our existence.

“Self Worth” comes in first and foremost all the time.
What does it give us - Ambition with acceptance of reality, confidence without arrogance , modesty without servility, fortitude to face failure, strength to stand up to sorrow and to greet success with gratitude.

Emotions are integral to humans. There are however four base emotions none of us like but cannot avoid. These are Fear, Anger, Desire and Ego. If the human can control all these, perhaps he/she would be the Master of the Universe. Since this would beyond the realm of the normal Homo-Sapien, can we not try and reduce these to the extent possible in our daily living . Anger, desire and ego are within our span of control and a sense of self worth would certainly help us to rationalize these. Fear is actually and mostly False evidence appearing Real. However it is part of our conditioning . From the time you begin to walk we are taught to be afraid . Every individual has or her own thresh hold of fear. Even fear can be controlled if we are able to attach more importance to Self worth and consequently realise the value of existence and the foolishness of being afraid of our own shadows or even of others .

Attitude is the key to our personality. It anchors our self worth and prepares us to face or succumb to adversity. Attitude predicates our relationships at, home, at work and with society. It greatly influences our health and mind.

“Self worth” defines our roles, responsibilities, relationships and routines and finally who we are and what we want to be and become

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